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發表於 : 週四 2月 17, 2022 6:57 pm
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Original Intention

Head Coach:James Feng
Translator:Alice Hsu

Faith derives from what we believe.
Someone will strike a chord if we keep doing something.

Faith, the voice hidden deeply in our heart, is where our feelings and sense of security attached and also the strength pushing life forward. The value we create and the power we have will be incredible when actions resonate with our inner voices. There will be more people being with you and supporting you. That’s the power of faith.

Accomplishment comes from exploration and innovation. We must keep curiosity as children do, trying to find out various answers. Meanwhile we have to try to go our own way!

Wushaolin has concentrated on studying and training in martial arts for a long time. Although people come to Wushaolin for different purposes, they all want to achieve their own goals by practicing martial arts. Besides, we look forward to guiding people to be aware of them mentally and physically and turn martial arts into the faith in our inner hearts: perseverance, resolution and stability.

This year due to the pandemics, we experienced life like our ancients, creating “chuan” at our leisure. Although I have not yet reached the level “creating the techniques of chuan”, I will summarize my experience accumulated for nearly 30 years and share with those who take on-line classes. In the first ten years, we set up the courses in training systems, and integrated the theories with training systems in the second ten years. We hope to unitize the courses in the third ten years. In order to unitize the courses, we have to unify the course materials. Only that everyone can tell the relationship between the movements and theories is there no deviation between teaching and learning.

The theory built up in the second ten years is nothing but the frame of the first level, which is the guideline linking up with the whole “chuan”(fist forms) systems. What we share this time are the second level technique subjects, which are categorized into subitems of all kinds of styles and techniques. In addition to connecting with the ancients’ theories, we develop the Wushaolins’s unique training systems, being consistent and innovative, and thus we can say that we have gone our own way. By wording the ideas, the learners can study and make a comparison between techniques and theories, which is definitely helpful.

During practicing martial arts, “leading, splitting and deviating”are the guiding principles of practicing “chuan”.
“Leading chuan”- guiding the learners to realize the content and application of the “chuan” forms and practice it step by step.
“Splitting chuan”- finding out the best attack and defense reaction under the training frame of the chuan forms, and finally making our own unique skills.
“Deviating”- leaving your master, leaving the familiar place and the protection zone when your skills are good enough. Then, you visit friends and learn new skills around the world. The greatest masters in all periods all did that. People can’t study martial arts by themselves without learning from each other. There is a saying that we can be adept in the pen all by ourselves but not the sword. (In other words, we can’t learn martial arts without the master’s guidance even though we keep practicing it. )

The stage of learning martial arts is similar to how we get along with the world. When we are kids, we learn from the adults, following in their footsteps; at school, we learn how to study and how to get along with others; when we start working, we practice, accept assignment, solve the problems and create value. Meanwhile, we keep challenging various fields and playing different roles, and broaden our horizons, making ourselves full of energy.
People have great achievements and influences on others because they are conscious of what they want and what they do. Those who know exactly about their missions are especially more powerful. Human consciousness has amazing power. It is energy of life beyond time and space that has force to project onto anything infinitely. This power is more tremendous while it is selfless and it strikes a chord with more people when the consciousness is good for life evolution. A person’s thoughts are faith, while all people are conviction. When we have conviction, everything can be done.

It is the general guiding principles of Wushaolin that explore the strength and depth of life by practicing martial arts, which all the designs of technique trainings and activity planning are based on. They are confirmed repeatedly to ensure that we will never forget the essence and value of martial arts.

What is the essence of martial arts?
The essence of martial arts is to explore the strength and depth of life internally, and practice the attack and defense skills on the battlefield externally. The final goal is to become a real samurai, who will never fight for competition but for self-fulfillment and for the country. One of the most important value of martial arts is to learn to make us brave, bravely facing ourselves, facing challenges, stepping out of the comfort zone, taking responsibilities, and going forward even if we are going alone.

Traditional Chinese culture does not specialize in a certain field but in the unity of heaven and human beings, which cultivates inside and expresses outside. The highest expectation of Wushaolin is to keep going forward and being a martial artist. Among martial arts, the “chuan” skills are nothing but knowledge, which are the integration of combat skills. If we don’t experience, realize and explore it by ourselves, the chuan skills are kinds of movements like dancing. The real martial arts just like the differences between knowledge and wisdom must be comprehended from the bottom of one’s heart. They are clean and pure, and make people fear nothing whatever they meet.

Everyone is unique, but only one who proceeds with his mission can be the sun, lightening the world. I hope that everyone will go his own way towards the dreams. Someone will strike a chord if we keep doing something, and thus our true selves exist.